Editorial Services

Polished copy and content for ELT & Education

Ever hit Send and then spotted a typo?

Sound familiar? This is for you

Argh. That sinking feeling. You’d read the text several times. Left it overnight. Gone back with fresh eyes. How did that error even get there? Maybe nobody will notice? But what if they do?

Spelling and grammar mistakes can impact your credibility. Especially in educational content. Sure, a social media post will slip past the language police. But publishing proposals, online courses, blog posts and articles that position you as the expert are another story.

When you write teaching and learning materials, you can’t afford to risk wonky wording. Or sentences that, well, just don’t make sense.

Want my eagle eyes on your words?

Let’s talk about how I can help.


Your content needs an edit, but short on time?

Get some fresh eyes on your writing today

You know that creating content for language teaching is an art. A text that's too technical quickly becomes tiresome, especially for a learner. But one that’s too simple turns people right off.

So you dedicate your time to planning, researching, drafting and piloting. Especially when you have a brief to meet or a deadline to hit. You just don’t have the time to cross the Ts and dot your Is.

How can you ensure that your writing is readable? That you’ve selected the best words and used inclusive language? What about tone and voice? Well, the answer is simple.

Work with an experienced ELT editor! An editor with eagle eyes.


Hi, I’m Jennifer

I’m a highly skilled ELT editor. I’ve worked for the big four publishers and lots of others. In-house and as a freelancer. From junior desk editor to publisher. Taking publishing proposals from idea to publication – online and in print.

I know how a text should flow, and can spot a typo even without my glasses! I’m a bit of a grammar nerd, but as a copywriter, I know when you might want to break the rules. Probably not in teaching materials of course. But in your marketing copy, why not?

I was utterly lost in my quest to find direction for my book proposal. Then I was lucky enough to meet Jennifer. Her experience and deep knowledge of ELT publishing gave her the expertise to point me along the right path.
— Harry Waters | Renewable English

Editorial Services

For every stage of your writing

Editorial expertise

From the big four to the self-publisher, I’ve worked with a full range of clients. On projects from multi-component series to ebooks.


Range of services

Planning your writing, half-way through draft two, about to publish or post? Wherever you are on your writing journey, I’ve got you.


Problem-free publication

Don’t wait till it’s too late. In publishing prevention really is better than the cure. And the same is true for posting content online.


Edit 1 | Deep dive editing

Content & Flow

I’ll focus on: audience fit, clarity, flow, purpose, structure and voice & tone.

This edit examines how well the content is working. And I’ll provide extensive feedback to get it back on track if it’s not.

Edit 2 | Copy editing

Readability  & Consistency

I’ll look at: grammar, spelling, punctuation, abbreviations, calculations, quotes, headings and links.

This edit includes: Creative suggestions to improve style, readability & impact. Light rewriting (e.g. rephrasing sentences).

Edit 3 | Proofreading

Shine & Polish

I’ll look out for: red flags, typos, errors, omissions and issues with formatting & layout.

The proofread includes: A close read-through of your content. A look at word choice (e.g. checking occasional words for appropriacy).


Editorial Services | Essentials

Timeline | 2–3 days for single pieces

For a longer project, let’s talk.

Investment | I quote for each project

Guide prices:

Individual pieces start at: Copy editing €65 | Proofreading €45

Monthly Pick and Mix Proofread: Up to four pieces: €175

Website Copy Proofread: €200–€325

(All prices + VAT @21%)

Want to learn more about my Editorial Services?

It’s time to grind some coffee beans.

Questions? Drop me a line and I’ll be right back to your inbox.

Calm, kind, knowledgeable, compassionate. The stress of going it alone was lifted. I was so relieved just sending off my application last time, you really made the world of difference.
— Jo Stephens | EAL & English teacher

Here’s how it works

Three steps to polished copy and content

  1. The project

    We discuss your project, your worries and your editorial needs in a Coffee Chat.

  2. The quote

    I have a good look at your text – or a sample – and send you a quote for the task.

  3. The edit

    I carry out the edit and return your files. Complete with comments and tracked changes.


Feel confident that your writing hits the spot

Better quality and fit for purpose.

Content your clients want to read. 

Let’s talk about editing your words.

Questions? Drop me a line and I’ll be right back to your inbox.

The feedback Jennifer gave me was friendly and focused. It left me with a feeling of confidence. She showed me that I was doing the right work but also helped me realise how I could easily improve what I was doing.
I cannot recommend Jennifer highly enough. Her help and guidance has been invaluable to me.
— Harry Waters | Renewable English

Editorial Services | FAQ

  • I’m both, is the short answer. As a copywriter, I create content that appeals to your audience. As a copy editor, I check your content for tone of voice, readability, coherence and cohesiveness. I believe these skills are complementary and really benefit your words and writing.

  • Here’s a list of some of my recent editorial jobs: Publishing proposals, Sample units, Online courses, Bios, abstracts, presentations; Letters and job applications; Marketing copy and content; Blogs and articles; Social media profiles and posts.

  • Yes. I’m always interested in discussing the following: Product descriptions, leaflets, catalogues, book covers; Market research, competitor analysis, consultancy work; Reviews of publishing proposals, samples, manuscripts; Reworking content for new editions and new formats.

  • As every writing project is so different, it’s impossible to set fixed prices for edits and proofreads. After our Coffee Chat, I’ll send you a no-obligation quote for the work. For you to accept or reject.

    I offer set prices for a Monthly Pick and Mix Proofread: Up to four pieces €175 and a Website Copy Proofread: Up to five pages from €200 to €325.


Editorial services for problem-free publication

Strike out the errors before you post, publish or share. I’m ready with my blue and red pens (or my comments and tracking!).

Let’s start with a cup of coffee (or tea!) and a chat about your project.

Book a time that suits you on my calendar.

Questions? Drop me a line and I’ll be right back to your inbox.


The Copy Clinic